July 15, 2013
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Don’t Let Fall Protection Awareness Lose its Fame
The proper use of a personal fall arrest system allows a worker to survive a fall with minimal injury. Sometimes proper procedures begin to take a back seat because of the repetitive daily processes on the job; but the quality of a worker’s safety depends on following proper procedures day-in and day-out. In the training course, “Surviving the Fall: The Proper Use of Your Personal Fall Arrest System,” learners witness the guidelines in keeping them safe, should a fall happen.
Course topics include:
- Approved anchor points
- Connecting devices
- Double-locking snap hooks
- Inspection of the connecting device
- The body harness
- Preventing sudden-stop injuries
- Limiting fall distance
- Calculating total fall distance
- Use of fall-limiting devices
- Preventing common fall arrest mistakes
- Self-rescue from suspension trauma
- Employing your facility’s rescue plan
This program offers an overview of a personal fall arrest system while also pointing out common mistakes to avoid. Promote workplace safety by using this course – and make it simple by using our mobile-friendly, VOD platform.