Cultivating Company Culture – the Mastery Way
This spring we decided to partake in a company culture initiative. Part of our mission at Mastery is; helping build amazing organizations. So, we decided to start focusing on ways we could make our own organization more amazing.
We determined we needed to develop an energizing, welcoming and motivating environment. We know that we are not perfect at crafting company culture at our organization, but we thought we would share with you what has worked for us, partaking on this venture.
Produce a team
Start with like-minded people at the office. Who are the ones that will be comfortable getting others to join in on the programs and plans? Set weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meetings to guarantee the initiative continues its progress.
Come up with themes
We started a bulletin board with monthly themes; we’ve had employees bring in pictures of pets, baby pictures, and favorite vacation spots. Another project we started was a monthly spirit day; for example, we had a kick-start to summer day and a heart smart day.
Be a constant motivator
The most difficult part of beginning these types of initiatives is to continue enthusiasm towards it. Recently, we began bringing in other employees for diversity of input and collaboration.
Create a recognition program
We started a peer recognition program called, “Mastery Recognition Bricks,” which we hang on a main wall in our lobby. On these “Bricks,” employees express appreciation and recognize fellow employees for being helpful or, just for being great! These have provided for a much more fun and grateful atmosphere.
Communicate events
In order to avoid leaving employees out, we send company-wide emails notifying every one of the month’s spirit day, bulletin board happenings and announcements, as well as the monthly breakfast date. Sending this email, or even making them calendar events, helps to remind employees and creates a buzz around the office!
Don’t get discouraged if you receive push-back, or unenthusiastic employees, its normal! It will take some time to get the entire staff on-board, and that’s okay. Just remember in order for this initiative to really set-in, secure meetings, get others involved, and welcome feedback. In no time your organization will thrive of productivity, innovation and energy!
How do you motivate and promote company culture at your organization?
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