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March 18, 2013

How to Avoid the Five Forbidden Phrases of Customer Service

*** Note – This post is from 2013, for more current posts on customer service, check these out. 
Nancy Friedman, the Telephone Doctor, has been collecting statements the public objects to – common pet peeves people have about how they have been treated on the phone and in-person.  Mastery’s training course, “Five Forbidden Phrases” reveals five phrases guaranteed to annoy customers, frighten away potential clients and reduce their confidence in your organization.

This course demonstrates how these phrases can be damaging to an interaction, while providing alternatives to handle situations where you are tempted to utter a forbidden phrase.
A bonus tip Nancy suggests is to break the silence over the phone by making pleasant conversation with the customer.  When the interaction is made to be more personable and pleasurable these forbidden phrases will begin to dissipate.  A customer contacts the organization to get something accomplished – when employees are not confident or knowledgeable in their organization, how will the customer’s needs get met?
Check out all the courses on customer service Mastery has to offer!

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