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May 28, 2015

What impact does employee training have on worker retention?

What is your company plan for an overall higher employee retention rate?

What is your company plan for an overall higher employee retention rate?

Increasing the rate of employee retention has been an important issue gaining a lot of attention the past few months. According to University of Warwick researchers, happy workers are 12 percent more productive than their counterparts. If employees are happy, chances are they will stay with their company longer than those who are unhappy. But what exactly makes employees happy?
The golden question can be answered in a multitude of ways depending on who you ask. Four common answers to this question include:

  • Clear goals: Hire employees that aspire for advancement and change. Implement changes into your industry guidelines and practices such as promotions and worker collaboration. Investing in employees can cultivate a more productive, cross-trained workforce.
  • Benefits: Employee perks can increase retention rates, if they’re the right kind. In this day and age, employees want a flexible, technologically advanced work site that caters to both their needs and the needs of the company. Attract both old and new workers with a blend of different work methods and willingness to change or adapt based on worker ideas.
  • Effective training: Implementing standard training can help retain workers and increase productivity rates. Invest in a training system that allows employees to learn work functions with a range of devices for seamless communication and development.
  • Transparency: Employees want to remain at a job they understand. If management is clear in their path to success, or describes how to perform tasks in the most efficient manner, employees will likely follow suit.

Consider e-learning content published by Mastery as a key component in your employee development program. Check out our website for more information.

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