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Compliance: OSHA Construction
The latest OSHA statistics state, one in five worker deaths occur in the construction industry. This high death rate can be attributed to a range of factors including the 'fatal four,' which includes falls, being struck by an object, electrocutions and getting caught in machinery.
Lessons: 9
Training Time: 18-26
Crane Signal Person Basic Training
Lessons: 10
Training Time: 11-20
Construction Safety – To The Point
Lessons: 10
Training Time: 20-27
Scaffolds: Suspended Scaffolding Safety in Construction Environments
Lessons: 7
Training Time: 17-27
Supported Scaffolding Safety In Industrial And Construction Environments
Lessons: 8
Training Time: 11-21
Silica Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments
Lessons: 9
Training Time: 15-22
Scaffolds: Suspended Scaffolding Safety in Construction Refresher
Lessons: 10
Training Time: 20-27
Scaffolds: Suspended Scaffolding Safety
Lessons: 8
Training Time: 19-29
Struck-By Hazards in Construction Environments
Lessons: 9
Training Time: 17-24