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Management: Feedback and Recognition
From conducting performance appraisals to everyday performance management, great leaders know how to provide feedback to team members. Learn some strategies for all types of employee feedback in these courses.
Lessons: 8
Training Time: 17-27
Leadership Feedback: What employees want to tell you…but don’t!
Lessons: 1
Training Time: 3-3
Leadership – Employees Respect Competence
Lessons: 1
Training Time: 3-3
Inspiring Leadership – Acknowledge Employee’s Work
Lessons: 6
Training Time: 10-14
Becoming An Effective Manager: Reducing Rater Bias
Lessons: 4
Training Time: 4-6
Effective Feedback: Sandwich Feedback
Lessons: 4
Training Time: 5-7
Effective Feedback: Resistant Vs Open-To-Change
Lessons: 4
Training Time: 8-10
Becoming An Effective Manager: Managing Performance
Lessons: 4
Training Time: 8-10
Becoming An Effective Manager: Giving Effective Feedback
Lessons: 6
Training Time: 14-19