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March 24, 2015

5 optimum employee onboarding ideas

Training employees correctly the first time will save both time, resources and headaches in the future.

Training employees correctly the first time will save both time, resources and headaches in the future.

The employee onboarding process is vital to future compliance training and worker productivity. Onboarding can include business knowledge, technology orientations and appropriate networking within already established policies.
Add one or all of these onboarding tips to your employee training in order to reduce time between learning processes and actually carrying them out. Maximize onboarding impact with these five tips.
1. Build supportive networks.

  • During orientation and the following days, be sure new hires are welcomed by employees. Creating collaboration tools and programs for new and old employees to work on together can bypass possible awkward social settings and test future work partnerships.

2. Cover all necessary information without being overwhelming.

  • Don’t give your new employees all of the material at once. This can create a daunting experience for new hires and make the work seem unmanageable. According to Tech Cocktail, the first 90 days of employment are the most critical for future proactive and productive work environments. Start with the basics, fill out necessary paperwork and encourage questions.

3. Define clear goals.

  • When posting an open position, both internally and externally, be sure to be extremely clear about what qualifications candidates need. This can jumpstart the onboarding process when someone is hired because you are already aware of what skills they have.

4. Infuse technology.

  • Send a welcoming email, creating a new hire portal or engaging recent hires in company social networking can create an open environment, as stated by Workforce. Even a simple hello can make all the difference.

5. Maintain open channels of communication.

  • Encourage feedback from workers that already completed employee training programs. Find out what worked for them, what didn’t and how you can make necessary adjustments. Throughout the new hire process, let members know they can and should ask questions or contribute input for both themselves and the company as a whole.

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