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July 22, 2014

Time to Take a Summer Vacation; Work Won’t Miss You Too Much!

Summer is finally here, which means many people finally get to take some vacation time!  Whether it’s traveling hundreds of miles or staying at home, quality time off is vital to avoiding burnout by revitalizing and restoring yourself for work.
Though having a much-needed break from work is wonderful, what happens when it’s time to return to your daily work routine?  The thought of returning to work after a relaxing vacation can be dreadful for many.  Thankfully, we’ve found five ways to combat the “Back-To-Work Blues” from the Huffington Post.  These tips are:

  1. Leave yourself time to recoup before going back to work
  2. Keep a positive attitude by working out and reminiscing about your trip
  3. Prioritize your work
  4. Don’t stress on getting every, single, thing done that week back
  5. Work smarter and delegate what you can

Everyone needs to take a break sometimes; not taking one can be much more detrimental on you than taking one.  For those of you who think you can’t leave your work alone… it will still be there when you return!  Keep these tips in mind when returning to the daily grind and you’ll have a much easier transition back to work.
Don’t forget that before traveling there are many elements to consider, including safety.  Try our training course, “Safe Travel,” for traveling tips, whether it’s for business or pleasure. The course covers tips for staying away, sanitation, and dealing with potential emergencies like a hotel fire.
Check out this course, and others at!

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